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Maintenance Request

Inform Us of a Maintenance Issue

Maintenance Form

Simply fill out the form to the left and we will address your maintenance issue. If it is an emergency that requires immediate attention, please call 816-256-8683.

If this is a life threatening emergency call 911 immediately.


Repair or damage caused by your negligence or misuse is your responsibility. In such cases, repairs will be made, but you will be charged for the cost of the labor and materials. Damages or plumbing stoppages caused by your negligence or misuse will be paid by you.

Release of Key

You understand that if you do not authorize a release of a key to a vendor, an adult 18 years or older will need to be available to give the vendor access to the property. We will want to make sure the approved repairs and improvements are done as quickly as possible, so this often requires scheduling at the Vendors convenience.

Contact Us

Rent Robin
PO Box 480706
Kansas City, MO 64148

(816) 256-8683

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